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Over the last two years, we’ve seen vast amounts of change in the way we work, both as individuals and in relation to our colleagues. The move towards decentralized workplaces has required greater communication skills, while flat hierarchies ask each individual to take on a higher degree of personal responsibility. Leadership is no longer just about the leadership of others, but increasingly about the leadership of oneself — Self Leadership. 

In this new world of work, it’s up to the individual to manage their own time and determine how successful they might be. They must organize themselves, deal with personal frustrations, and continue to motivate themselves day in and day out. But while you might have heard the term Self Leadership before you might not have come across «Zeitgeist» Leadership. 

So what is «Zeitgeist» Leadership? Well, personal success doesn’t happen in a vacuum — to be truly successful, organizations must help their employees learn to both express themselves and understand others. It’s when Self Leadership is combined with Team Leadership and People Leadership that results really happen! That’s «Zeitgeist» Leadership. 

Let’s break it down:

Self Leadership 

Self Leadership has become the number one, most desirable quality in any employee. Individuals who are skilled in Self Leadership are empowered to take on new projects, drive their own productivity, and deliver each and every day. But this doesn’t happen miraculously or spontaneously — it requires a great deal of self-reflection and practice. It’s about understanding what kind of worker you are and how to get the most from your talents.

Self Leadership is a soft skill that not only brings about personal success and happiness, but along with greater understanding of the self, comes greater understanding of others. It all starts with the individual, with Self Leadership. 

Team Leadership 

After Self Leadership, comes Team Leadership — because nobody wins alone! The individual is the strength of the team, and the team is the strength of the individual. Think of it this way: on a pro-sports team, it doesn’t matter how exceptional each player is if they aren’t working together successfully. Teamwork is defined by communication, support, mutual respect, and understanding. An office team is much like a pro-sports team in many ways — because success depends on each individual’s talents working alongside and in harmony with their fellow individuals. 

But again, this doesn’t happen on its own! Employees must be encouraged to invest time in understanding one another so that communication may be improved and mutual support and understanding facilitated. Team Leadership is a commitment towards proactively lifting one another up and when practiced over time, it can lead to extraordinary results in organizations. 

People Leadership 

People Leadership is perhaps what people more typically associate with the term “Leadership”. People Leadership is about leading others — it’s a careful art that relies on being able to consistently encourage, energize, and enable every employee. It’s probably one of the most challenging leadership tasks and one of the most important. 

But with «Zeitgeist» Leadership, People Leadership doesn’t need to be an overwhelming task. That’s because when employees are empowered to lead themselves (Self Leadership) and work as a team (Team Leadership) — then the conventional leader, boss, or manager isn’t working alone. When the responsibility and burden of leadership are spread across the organization, People Leadership becomes about facilitating leadership in others, not taking on everything single-handedly. 

«Zeitgeist» Leadership means leadership for all it’s the democratization of leadership. That’s not to mention that through gaining understanding of the self, of colleagues, employees, and managers, comes greater understanding of people in general. This skill shouldn’t be underestimated, after all, to understand people is to understand business. 

For the first time, «Zeitgeist» Leadership brings all of this together Self Leadership, Team Leadership, and People Leadership.


impulzity® delivers daily, individualized impulzes that support the formation of strong working relationships and foster «Zeitgeist» Leadership.

«impulzity provides direct and immediately implementable support.»

«To understand diversity and to lead individually is the central point in the field of leadership.»

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